Common issues

Here i will list common issues and possible solutions for them:


Stream doesnt play or plays and doesnt have audio?!

Addon itself doesnt play the streams, kodi does. Therefore the issue is within kodi or server, you can try switching stream type to HLS from addon settings to see if that makes an difference.

VOD category opens very slow?!

Addon has an built in cache system for VOD information, this information is fetched from server at first run if opening category, then the VOD information is saved to cache, next time you open same category it should be faster.

Short EPG (whats playing now in live streams) shows wrong show?!

This could be the issue between your and server timezone difference, you can adjust Short EPG time + or - x hours in addon settings.

When i open anything in addon then kodi shows addon error and crashes!?

Please open a support ticket and include your server address,port and streaming line username and password, we will look it over and if problem found try to fix it.


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