Creating Streamingline product

Step 1: Adding product group.



Fill out group name (example: Streaming services)


Step 2: Adding product.


Choose product type: other,

Choose product group, you just created,

Fill product name (example: Full TV),

Choose Xtream reborn module


Fill out product description

Click on PRICING

Choose payment type: reccurring

Enable monthly,quarterly etc. and set prices.


Server group: Xtream-Codes

Product type:  Streaming line

TIP: Relevant configuration fields  are marked with red , and others are disabled.

Connections:  Max connections you allow with this product

Owner: User that owns generated line.

Bouquet: Bouquet that his product gives access to.

M3U: Show M3U link in clientarea?

Mag Portal: Show MAG portal in clientarea?

Restreamer: Is this generated line restreamer?

Allow MAG:  Allow clients to add/edit MAG device in clientarea?

Allow E2: Allow clients to add/edit Enigma2 device in clientarea?

Choose Automatically setup the product as soon as the first payment is received

Click Save Changes

If you want to add MAG support, then click CUSTOM FIELDS

Field name:   must match Custom Field MAG in module configuration (default: MAG)

Field type: Text Box

Description: describe field to client, for example: If you own MAG box, fill MAC address here.

Validation:  /^(?:[[:xdigit:]]{2}([-:]))(?:[[:xdigit:]]{2}\1){4}[[:xdigit:]]{2}$/

Check Show on orderform and Show on invoice.


If you want to add Enigma2 support, then click CUSTOM FIELDS

Field name:   must match Custom Field E2 in module configuration (default: E2)

Field type: Text Box

Description: describe field to client, for example: If you own MAG box, fill MAC address here.

Validation:  /^(?:[[:xdigit:]]{2}([-:]))(?:[[:xdigit:]]{2}\1){4}[[:xdigit:]]{2}$/

Check Show on orderform and Show on invoice.


Congratulations you have just set up  Streaming Line product.




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